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Plan Your Trip: The Basics

Updated: Feb 5, 2020

You can't help but enjoy a trip if you are prepared, so a little online research will help make the most of your visit to Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park. Here are links to sites that give basic, accurate information for getting around and what you'll see here. Stay tuned: in my next post I'll share sites with detailed trail descriptions.

A wonderful site by National Geographic highlighting events, natural and cultural sites, and local business (including fivespot!) in the Sierra Nevada:

Very good overview of the Sequoia Kings Canyon region from Wikitravel:

I've always loved Sunset magazine. When we lived in New York City, we read it cover-to-cover, as if we were expats!

Lonely Planest correctly suggests Kings Canyon as a quiet alternative to Yosemite:

A monster list of organizations in and websites of the Sequoia Kings Canyon area:

Finally, the National Park Service's home page for SeKi (Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park):

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